Z7 8388 01 Charlottenburg 2
201026 Places Charlottenburg 042 web polygon1 1

The Place Berlin-Charlottenburg

For residents of the neighborhood, Charlottenburg Station is a place for everyday life and encounters. For travelers and commuters, it is an important passenger transport knot. Based on city dialogues and data-based analyses, we addressed the individual needs of the neighborhood last year and subjected the station to a comprehensive redesign - from essential renovations within the building to the integration of new usage concepts surrounding the station.

The Stuttgarter Platz

The Place in the Neighborhood

In the last two years, Stuttgarter Platz has already been transformed into a neighborhood platform and provided an improved quality of stay at the station. In 2021 we will be active again. With our seating and our cinema, we create redesign in the neighborhood.

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Für ein neues Miteinander im Kiez

Gemeinsam mit dem Eventveranstalter Mobile Kino laden wir euch auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu einem Kinoabend im romantischen Hinterhof an den Bahngleisen ein. Ab sofort empfangen wir euch jeden Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag mit wechselnder Filmauswahl und ausreichend Sicherheitsabstand. Kinotickets gibt es hier.

Datum Film
Donnerstag 16.06. Kiezkino Charlottenburg | Quo Vadis, Aida? (OmU)
Freitag 17.06. Kiezkino Charlottenburg | The Card Counter (OmU)
Samstag 18.06. Kiezkino Charlottenburg | Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie (OmU)
Donnerstag 23.06. Kiezkino Charlottenburg | 17. Filmpolska, Night of Animation (OmeU)
Freitag 24.06. Kiezkino Charlottenburg | A Hero (OmU)
Kinoprogramm & Tickets
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Write to us at [email protected]
